Tag ~sidewalk labs

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Portland quietly launches mobile location data project with Alphabets controversial Sidewalk Labs

Making policing more responsive Spidr Tech raises 25 million

Cities must plan ahead for innovation without leaving people behind

Why Seattles plan to bring Intersection WiFi kiosks and bus stop makeovers stalled

Alphabets Sidewalk Labs to turn Toronto area into a model smart city

Vertical market networks effective startup names Libra Carbon and Sidewalk Labs

Alphabets Sidewalk Labs is developing visual cues to indicate when their tech is monitoring you

Google reveals plan for smart city makeover of Toronto waterfront is there room left for Amazons second HQ

Kibbo wants to remake the trailer park so vanlife can be a life and not a lifestyle

NY startup Intersection wants to retrofit Seattle bus stops with WiFi kiosks that serve up ads

Transportation Weekly: Polestar CEO speaks Tesla terminology and a tribute

Alphabet vs Amazon: Sidewalk Labs CEO says HQ2 vision wont even be close to Googles Toronto plan

Sidewalk Labs spins out urban datagathering tool Replica into a company

Alphabets Sidewalk Labs reveals plans for Toronto innovation district featuring lightup streets and timber towers

Sidewalk Labs blueprint for a mini smart city is a massive data mine

Can the tech industry create more affordable cities Google parent Alphabet is betting yes

VoltServer adds a data layer to electricity distribution in a move that could help smart grid rollout

Public health startup Cityblock raises 65M Series B

Kibbo wants to remake the RV park so vanlife can be a life and not a lifestyle

Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners looks to make CA power grids more reliable with a 100 million investment

Despite Google ties Sidewalk Labs CEO says theres no intent to sell data from Toronto smart city project

Intersection raises 150 million for the global expansion of its free wifi

Recycling robotics company AMP Robotics could raise up to 70M

Google sees big things in Toronto and Sidewalk Labs CEO says Amazon might too

The built environment will be one of techs next big platforms